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compareIsbn, 387


+= (compound assignment), 564


+ (addition), 560


== (equality), 561


!= (inequality), 561


>> (input operator), 558


<< (output operator), 557


add, 261


addition program, 74


avg_price, 259


bookstore program, 255


using algorithms, 406


class definition, 72, 268


combine, 259


compareIsbn, 425


with associative container, 426


constructors, 264266


converting constructor, 295


default constructor, 262


exception classes, 783


exception version


+= (compound assignment), 784


+ (addition), 784


explicit constructor, 296


isbn, 257


operations, 254


print, 261


read, 261


relational operators, 563


Sales_data.h header, 76


Sales_item, 20


+ (addition), 22


>> (input operator), 21


<< (output operator), 21


addition program, 21, 23


bookstore program, 24


isbn, 23


operations, 20


Sales_item.h header, 19


scientific manipulator, 757


scope, 48, 80


base class, 617


block, 48, 80, 173


class, 73, 282, 282287, 305


static member, 302


compared to object lifetime, 204


derived class, 617


friend, 270, 281


function, 204


global, 48, 80


inheritance, 617621


member function, 282


parameters and return type, 283


multiple inheritance, 807


name collisions, using directive, 795


namespace, 785790


nested class, 844


overloaded function, 234


statement, 174


template parameter, 668


template specialization, 708


using directive, 794


virtual function, 620


scoped enumeration, 832, 864


enum class, 832


Screen, 271


pos member, 272


concatenating operations, 275


do_display, 276


friends, 279


get, 273, 282


get_cursor, 283


Menu function table, 840


move, 841


move members, 275


set, 275


search, 872


search_n, 871


seed, random-number engine, 748


seekp, seekg, 763768




copy and swap assignment, 519


copy assignment, 512


explicit check, 542




reference counted, 515


valuelike, 512


Message, 523


move assignment, 537


pitfalls, 512


StrVec, 528


semicolon (;), 3


class definition, 73


null statement, 172


separate compilation, 44, 80, 252


compiler options, 207


declaration vs. definition, 44


templates, 656


sequential container, 326, 373


array, 326


deque, 326


forward_list, 326


initialization, 334337


list, 326


list initialization, 336




assign, 338


back, 346


clear, 350


emplace, 345


emplace_back, 345


emplace_front, 345


erase, 349


front, 346


insert, 343


pop_back, 348


pop_front, 348


push_back, 132


push_back, 100, 342, 545


push_front, 342


resize, 352


value_type, 333


performance characteristics, 327


priority_queue, 371


queue, 371


stack, 370


value initialization, 336


vector, 326


set, 420, 448


see also ordered container


bitset, 727


header, 420


insert, 431


iterator, 429


key_type requirements, 425


list initialization, 423


lower_bound, 438


TextQuery class, 485


upper_bound, 438


word_count program, 422


set_difference, 880


set_intersection, 647, 880


set_symmetric_difference, 880


set_union, 880


setfill, manipulator, 759


setprecision, manipulator, 756


setstate, stream, 313


setw, manipulator, 758


shared_ptr, 450, 450457, 464469, 491


* (dereference), 451


copy and assignment, 451


definition, 450


deleter, 469, 491


bound at run time, 677


derived-to-base conversion, 630


destructor, 453


dynamically allocated array, 480


exception safety, 467


factory program, 453


initialization, 464


make_shared, 451


pitfalls, 469


reset, 466


StrBlob, 455


TextQuery class, 485


with new, 464


short, 33


short-circuit evaluation, 142, 169


&& (logical AND), 142


|| (logical OR), 142


not in overloaded operator, 553


ShorterString, 573


() (call operator), 573


shorterString, 224


showbase, manipulator, 755


showpoint, manipulator, 758




deque, 357


string, 357


vector, 357


shuffle, 878


signed, 34, 80


char, 34


conversion to unsigned, 34, 160


out-of-range value, 35


signed type, 34


single-line (//), comment, 9, 26




container, 88, 102, 132, 340


priority_queue, 371


queue, 371


returns unsigned, 88


stack, 371


StrVec, 526


size_t, 116, 132, 727


array subscript, 116


size_type, container, 88, 102, 132, 332


SizeComp, 573


() (call operator), 573


sizeof, 156, 169


array, 157


data member, 157


sizeof..., parameter pack, 700


skipws, manipulator, 760


sliced, 603, 650




+ (addition), 588


conversion operator, 580


smart pointer, 450, 491


exception safety, 467


pitfalls, 469


smatch, 729, 733, 769, 770


prefix, 736


provide context for a match, 735


suffix, 736


sort, 384, 876


source file, 4, 27


specialization, see template specialization


splice, list, 416


splice_after, forward_list, 416


sregex_iterator, 733, 770


i before e program, 734




file marker, 765


header, 310, 321


off_type, 766


pos_type, 766


random access, 765


random IO program, 766


seek and tell, 763768


ssub_match, 733, 736, 770


example, 740


stable_partition, 876


stable_sort, 387, 876


stack, 370, 373


emplace, 371


empty, 371


equality and relational operators, 370


header, 370


initialization, 369


pop, 371


push, 371


sequential container, 370


size, 371


swap, 371


top, 371


stack unwinding, exception handling, 773, 818


standard error, 6, 27


standard header, #include, 6, 21


standard input, 6, 27


standard library, 5, 27


standard output, 6, 27


statement, 2, 27


block, see block


break, 190, 199


compound, 173, 199


continue, 191, 199


do while, 189, 200


expression, 172, 200


for, 13, 27, 185, 185187, 200


goto, 192, 200


if, 17, 27, 175, 175178, 200


labeled, 192, 200


null, 172, 200


range for, 91, 187, 187189, 200


return, 222, 222228


scope, 174


switch, 178, 178182, 200


while, 11, 28, 183, 183185, 200


statement label, 192


static (file static), 792, 817


static member


Account, 301


class template, 667


accessed through an instantiation, 667


definition, 667


const data member, initialization, 302


data member, 300


definition, 302


default argument, 304


definition, 302


inheritance, 599


instantiation, 667


member function, 301


nested class, 845


scope, 302


static object, local, 205, 252


static type, 601, 650


determines name lookup, 617, 619


multiple inheritance, 806


static type checking, 46


static_cast, 163, 163


lvalue to rvalue, 691


std, 7, 28


std::forward, see forward


std::move, see move


stdexcept header, 194, 197


stod, 368


stof, 368


stoi, 368


stol, 368


stold, 368


stoll, 368


store, free, 450, 491


stoul, 368


stoull, 368


str, string streams, 323


StrBlob, 456


back, 457


begin, 475


check, 457


constructor, 456


end, 475


front, 457


pop_back, 457


shared_ptr, 455


StrBlobPtr, 474


++ (increment), 566


-- (decrement), 566


* (dereference), 569


-> (arrow operator), 569


check, 474


constructor, 474


deref, 475


incr, 475


weak_ptr, 474


strcat, 123


strcmp, 123


strcpy, 123




as condition, 15, 162, 312


clear, 313


explicit conversion to bool, 583


file marker, 765


flushing buffer, 314


format state, 753


istream_iterator, 403


iterator, 401, 403406, 418


type requirements, 406


not flushed if program crashes, 315


ostream_iterator, 403


random IO, 765


rdstate, 313


setstate, 313


strict weak ordering, 425, 448


string, 80, 8493, 132


see also container


see also sequential container


see also iterator


[] (subscript), 93, 132, 347


+= (compound assignment), 89


+ (addition), 89


>> (input operator), 85, 132


>> (input operator) as condition, 86


<< (output operator), 85, 132


and string literal, 8990


append, 362


assign, 362


at, 348


C-style string, 124


c_str, 124


capacity, 356


case sensitive, 365


compare, 366


concatenation, 89


default initialization, 44


difference_type, 112


equality and relational operators, 88


erase, 362


find, 364


find_first_not_of, 365


find_last_not_of, 366


find_last_of, 366


getline, 87, 321


header, 74, 76, 84


initialization, 8485, 360361


initialization from string literal, 84


insert, 362


move constructor, 529


numeric conversions, 367


random-access iterator, 412


replace, 362


reserve, 356


rfind, 366


subscript range, 95


substr, 361


TextQuery class, 485


string literal, 7, 28, 39


see also C-style string


and string, 8990


concatenation, 39


stringstream, 321, 321323, 324


initialization, 321


strlen, 122




see also class


default access specifier, 268


default inheritance specifier, 616


StrVec, 525


[] (subscript), 565


= (assignment), initializer_list, 563


alloc_n_copy, 527


begin, 526


capacity, 526


chk_n_alloc, 526


copy assignment, 528


copy constructor, 528


default constructor, 526


design, 525


destructor, 528


emplace_back, 704


end, 526


free, 528


memory allocation strategy, 525


move assignment, 536


move constructor, 535


push_back, 526


move-enabled, 545


reallocate, 530


move iterator version, 543


size, 526


subexpression, 770


subscript range, 93


array, 116


string, 95


validating, 104


vector, 105


substr, string, 361


suffix, smatch, 736


sum, program, 682


swap, 516


array, 339


container, 339


container nonmember version, 339


copy and swap assignment operator, 518


priority_queue, 371


queue, 371


stack, 371


typical implementation, 517518


swap program, 223


swap_ranges, 875


switch statement, 178, 178182, 200


default case label, 181


break, 179181, 190


compared to if, 178


execution flow, 180


variable definition, 182


syntax_option_type, regex, 730




copy assignment, 500, 550


copy constructor, 497, 550


copy control, 267


as deleted function, 508


as deleted in derived class, 624


Bulk_quote, 623


multiple inheritance, 805


virtual base class, 815


virtual base classes, 815


volatile, 857


default constructor, 263, 306


derived class, 623


members of built-in type, 263


destructor, 503, 550


move operations


deleted function, 538


not always defined, 538

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