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i before e, program, 729


version 2, 734


IDE, 3


identifier, 46, 79


reserved, 46


_if algorithms, 414


if statement, 17, 27, 175, 175178, 200


compared to switch, 178


condition, 18, 175


dangling else, 177


else branch, 18, 175, 200


ifstream, 311, 316320, 324


see also istream


close, 318


file marker, 765


file mode, 319


initialization, 317


off_type, 766


open, 318


pos_type, 766


random access, 765


random IO program, 766


seek and tell, 763768


ignore, istream, 763


implementation, 254, 254, 306


in (file mode), 319


in scope, 49, 79


in-class initializer, 73, 73, 79, 263, 265, 274




standard header, 6, 21


user-defined header, 21


includes, 880


incomplete type, 279, 306


can’t be base class, 600


not in exception declaration, 775


restrictions on use, 279


incr, StrBlobPtr, 475


increment operators, 147149


indentation, 19, 177


index, 94, 131


see also [] (subscript)


indirect base class, 600, 650


inferred return type, lambda expression, 396


inheritance, 650


and container, 630


conversions, 604


copy control, 623629


friend, 614


hierarchy, 592, 600


interface class, 637


IO classes, 311, 324


name collisions, 618


private, 612, 650


protected, 612, 650


public, 612, 650


vs. composition, 637


inherited, constructor, 628




aggregate class, 298


array, 114


associative container, 423, 424


bitset, 723725


C-style string, 122


class type objects, 73, 262




static data member, 302


class type object, 262


data member, 289


object, 59


copy, 84, 131, 497, 497499, 549


default, 43, 293


direct, 84, 131


dynamically allocated object, 459


exception, 197


istream_iterator, 405


list, see list initialization


lvalue reference, 532


multidimensional array, 126


new[], 477


ostream_iterator, 405


pair, 426


parameter, 203, 208


pointer, 5254


to const, 62


queue, 369


reference, 51


data member, 289


to const, 61


return value, 224


rvalue reference, 532


sequential container, 334337


shared_ptr, 464


stack, 369


string, 8485, 360361


string streams, 321


tuple, 718


unique_ptr, 470


value, 98, 132, 293


variable, 42, 43, 79


vector, 97101


vs. assignment, 42, 288


weak_ptr, 473


initializer_list, 220, 220222, 252


= (assignment), 563


constructor, 662


header, 220


inline function, 238, 252


and header, 240


function template, 655


member function, 257, 273


and header, 273


inline namespace, 790, 817


inner scope, 48, 79


inner_product, 882


inplace_merge, 875


input, standard, 6


input iterator, 411, 418




associative container, 432


multiple key container, 433


sequential container, 343


string, 362


insert iterator, 382, 401, 402, 418


back_inserter, 402


front_inserter, 402


inserter, 402


inserter, 402, 418


compared to front_inserter, 402


instantiation, 96, 131, 653, 656, 713


Blob, 660


class template, 660


member function, 663


declaration, 713


definition, 713


error detection, 657


explicit, 675676


function template from function pointer, 686


member template, 674


static member, 667


int, 33


literal, 38




constant expression, 65


promotion, 134, 160, 169


function matching, 246


type, 32, 79


integrated development environment, 3


interface, 254, 306


internal, manipulator, 759


interval, left-inclusive, 373


invalid pointer, 52


invalid_argument, 197


invalidated iterator


and container operations, 354


undefined behavior, 353


invalidates iterator


assign, 338


erase, 349


resize, 352




formatted, 761, 769


unformatted, 761, 770


IO classes


condition state, 312, 324


inheritance, 324


IO stream, see stream


iomanip header, 756


iostate, 312


machine-dependent, 313


iostream, 5


file marker, 765


header, 6, 27, 310, 762


off_type, 766


pos_type, 766


random access, 765


random IO program, 766


seek and tell, 763768


virtual base class, 810


iota, 882


is-a relationship, 637


is_partitioned, 876


is_permutation, 879


is_sorted, 877


is_sorted_until, 877


isalnum, 92


isalpha, 92




Sales_data, 257


Sales_item, 23




isbn_mismatch, 783


iscntrl, 92


isdigit, 92


isgraph, 92


islower, 92


isprint, 92


ispunct, 92


isShorter program, 211


isspace, 92


istream, 5, 27, 311


see also manipulator


>> (input operator), 8 precedence and associativity, 155


as condition, 15


chained input, 8


condition state, 312


conversion, 162


explicit conversion to bool, 583


file marker, 765


flushing input buffer, 314


format state, 753


gcount, 763


get, 761


multi-byte version, 762


returns int, 762, 764


getline, 87, 321, 762


ignore, 763


no copy or assign, 311


off_type, 766


peek, 761


pos_type, 766


put, 761


putback, 761


random access, 765


random IO program, 766


read, 763


seek and tell, 763768


unformatted IO, 761


multi-byte, 763


single-byte, 761


unget, 761


istream_iterator, 403, 418


>> (input operator), 403


algorithms, 404


initialization, 405


off-the-end iterator, 403


operations, 404


type requirements, 406


istringstream, 311, 321, 321323


see also istream


word per line processing, 442


file marker, 765


getline, 321


initialization, 321


off_type, 766


phone number program, 321


pos_type, 766


random access, 765


random IO program, 766


seek and tell, 763768


TextQuery constructor, 488


isupper, 92


isxdigit, 92


iter_swap, 875


iterator, 106, 106112, 131


++ (increment), 107, 132


-- (decrement), 107


* (dereference), 107


+= (compound assignment), 111


+ (addition), 111


- (subtraction), 111


== (equality), 106, 107


!= (inequality), 106, 107


algorithm type independence, 377


arithmetic, 111, 131


compared to reverse iterator, 409


destination, 413


insert, 401, 418


move, 401, 418, 543


uninitialized_copy, 543




before_begin, 351


forward_list, 351


off-the-end, 106, 132, 373


istream_iterator, 403


parameter, 216


regex, 734


relational operators, 111


reverse, 401, 407409, 418


stream, 401, 403406, 418


used as destination, 382




compared to reverse_iterator, 408


container, 108, 332


header, 119, 382, 401


set iterators are const, 429


iterator category, 410, 410412, 418


bidirectional iterator, 412, 417


forward iterator, 411, 417


input iterator, 411, 418


output iterator, 411, 418


random-access iterator, 412, 418


iterator range, 331, 331332, 373


algorithms, 376


as initializer of container, 335


container erase member, 349


container insert member, 344


left-inclusive, 331


off-the-end, 331

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